Wednesday, November 16, 2011

October 2011

October - started by getting the new tenants into their places. Then Jeff went to Minneapolis for a few days.

Finished off another round of swimming lessons for the kids.  Sarah was just repeatng the smae class because she can't advance until she is 3 yrs old. Charly redid Sea Otters and passed it.  He is becoming more and more comfortable in the water. The Dawe has great instructors.

The weather cooperated so we were able to fit in a few more playground trips. Spend one glorious afternoon at Bower Ponds playground, where we went for an hour but ended up staying for almost 5.  The kids continued to use the trampoline outside as long as they could, until finally it was put away for the winter.

Charly switched from gymnastics on Wed afternoon (where he was all alone) to Monday afternoons with 5 other kids.  He didn't like having to wait his turn again, but is enjoying being with the other kids. I am glad for the change too since Sarah's lessons are Wed morning, and 2 trips to the Collicutt in one day is just too much for me.

Charly's friend Koen turned 5 so we went to his birthday party. That was the only excitement we had for Thanksgiving - we were all thankfully to just stay home together.

We got our flu shots soon after they were available.  There was a flu making its rounds here but we managed to avoid it :)

Fri Oct 28 - took the kids and Charly's friend Koen to the Clagary's zoo "Boo-at-the-Zoo" event. Started at 6:30pm, there were displays and activities set up throughout the zoo. Fortunately the rain held off and we weren't too cold until after 8:30pm.  I was expecting to see more animals, being at the zoo, but there were enough things to do that we weren't bored. 

Mon Oct 31 - Charly wore his costume to school. We had a nearly supper and then Papa Doug took the kids out trick-or-treating for just under an hour. Lots of fun and excitement there.  Then we went to the Collicutt Centre for their halloween event. They had free swimming and skating (which we skipped), and 3 of the field houses were open and set up with at least 7 bouncy castle-things. One field was meant for 0-4 year olds, second for 3-7 year olds, and the other was more sports oriented for the older kids.  My kids played and played and played.  They were so tired be the time we left. Charly burst into tears because he didn't want the fun to end, LOL!

Photos on Flickr
Trick or Treating
Halloween fun at the Collicutt
Slide at the Collicutt