Saturday, June 4, 2011

May 2011 review

May was a month of transition. 

I dared put away the snow mittens but still got the winter coats out though - this is Canada after all!  We're finally starting to get to go to playgrounds again, much to the kids' delight.  Sarah is a little monkey and generally does all the things Charly does plus is less timid at them.

Federal election - Prime Minister remains, now with more power to hopefully get something accomplished. 

T-Ball started, with me as an assistant coach.  First session was cold. Second one was extremely windy. Third one was nice except for the mosquitoes, and todays' was cancelled due to rain.  Frustrating but otherwise the kids seem to be having a good time, especially playing Tag. Each session Charly started to become less timid.  He has done well hitting the ball off the T, and runs and catches just like any other 4 year old LOL. Decided to get him a glove for his right hand since he said he wanted to throw with his left.  Before playschool he usually coloured and such with his left hand. But now he's been learning to write letters with his right hand... leaving me so confused LOL. At least with Sarah she is clearly right-handed. When I started letting Charly use the iPad, he was so excited.  It didn't take him long to have the thing figured out.  He likes to open Notepad and type the alphabet and numbers, uses the calculator for adding, and loves to surf Utube.

Mom finally went back home.   As much as we will miss having her around, we understand how hard such a long trip has been for her.

Went to a family reunion. Kids went to the playground, adults conversed, and later Jeff read everyone the entire poem of "The Cremation of Sam McGee" which his great uncle used to be able to recite from memory.  We all had a good time!

Put Charly back on his inhaler and Singulair since he still continues to cough at night.  Been almost 2 months since he had his cold and although his lungs are clear, he keeps coughing.  Sarah is now 21 pounds, one more pound to go to hit the weight Charly was at when he was 18 months!

Celebrated my brother's birthday.  Celebrated my friends birthday (We went to a bar, such an extraordinary event for me).

Tried finding Charly new shoes, size 10, but couldn't find any shoes that he liked in his size.  (Found some in June.)  I did find a pair of runners for Sarah - $7 and fits perfectly :) 

Sarah knows her alphabet letters and can sing the Alphabet song.  Charly drilled the song "Chicka-chicka Bang Bang" into our heads by singing it over and over and over.  By the end of May even Sarah was starting to sing it.  I was beginning to go crazy from hearing that same song so much.  Sarah's vocabulary is growing larger all the time.  I put potty training on hold until July when Charly is in summer camp each day and I have more time to devote to my princess ... she generally is able to use the toilet when she has a bare bum but put any clothes on her and she seems to think they are diapers.

Sarah continues to explorer the world.  She "helped" me bake one day ... when I came back from a quick trip to the bathroom I found flour everywhere (see videos).  If Sarah spots an ant she has to stop and watch it, and since ants are everywhere, walks can be very time-consuming. She identifies everything as being a parent (usually Mommy) or a baby. We were very amused one day when she came up stairs to show us her Mommy and Baby dice!

I started taking Reactin around the beginning of May to help my body prepare for allergy season.  with such a late spring, and right at the start when everything was budding the winds blew so strongly that the pollen didn't seem to bother me.  At the end of May the pollen hit me. I spent 1 day adding Benedryl on top of the Reactin, then started taking one 24 hr Reactin in morning and one 24 hr Aerius before bed.  This have worked well enough that I could stop the Benedryl (which makes me so sleepy).  Last year I was on two 24 hr Reactin and max doses of Benedryl.  Much better this year.  I plan to switch to just Aerius once I run out of Reactin since it seems to be doing a better job.  Haven't had itchy eyes this year, amazingly. I can remember springs where I would like on the couch with tea bags/ice on my eyes since they were so swollen and itchy.

Photos: May 2011 photos

Sarah and flour #1
Sarah and flour #2
Sarah and flour #3