Thursday, May 5, 2011

End of April catch-up

I didn't expect to take this long to get my blog updated, but wow, what a month April has been.

I met with the local ped dietician at the beginning of March. Focusing now on getting rid of formula, and having Sarah try new food (especially legumes). got to keep her fibre up while still maintaining her iron and getting as many calories into her as possible.

That afternoon I ended up taking Charly to the walk-in clinic for his cough. He was coughing so hard that he'd vomit. Yuck. Doc gave us some antibiotics. No improvement over the weekend, back to clinic Tues, doc says we haave to wait for nature to do its work. Frustrating to sit by and do nothing.  My husband has had the same cough for at least 2 months by then so we weren't sure if it was the same and hoped that it wouldnt last as long!

Soccer ending in March. Charly is very proud of his medal he got for participation. I am proud of him for not quitting and doing so well.  Next time we'll need a much better coach though.

Moved Sarah from formula to completely Oat milk. This process had taken about a month to slowly introduce it to her.

Managed to get the kids a babysitter so I could go with my husband to the Womenn's Shelter fundraiser supper & auction.  It was great to have some adult-only time :)

Then I decided it was time to have Sarah drink out of a sippy cup instead of her bottles. At this point she was only getting a bottle before nap and before nap.  The problem was that she'd take juice and water out of a sippy cup, she absolutely refused to take milk out of a sippy cup.  She was a very sad little girl for at least a week and then she finally started to accept life without her bottle (clinging more to blankie though), but continuedd to refuse milk.  Sigh.

Went to a couple kids birthday parties. First one was at the Collicutt in one of the fields with all the balls, sticks, hoops, ride-on toys, etc.  Charly was still coughing but only vomited at little once, just as we were leaving.  Second was at a bowling alley.  Kids had a blast. But I'd never take 2 kids there alone again. Third party was at a swimming pool.  Great variety!

Started to move Sarah into size 24 month clothing. Hard to find clothes that fit Sarah's tiny waist - most are too wide, but she had lots to choose from.  And I moved Charly into size 5 shirts. This was hard because I didn't have many long sleeved size 5 shirts and didn't really want to buy long-sleeved shirts so close to Spring. But I did.

March 22 my grandma passed away.  Although it wasn't much of a surprise considering all the medical problems she'd been having lately, it was still rough.  Next morning I drove to the airport to pick up Mom and her sister.  Drove them to meet up with the other siblings. A couple days later a tiny funeral service was held for close family members.  Charly had started running a fever the night before but with no other symptoms we decided we could still attend that.  Next week took mom and aunty back to the airport. The plan wasthat they would return around April 12 and then there would be a large service for all of Grandma's friends and relatives to attend.  The delay in timing was to let people have time to arrange to be there.

Plans changed a bit when on April 3, my uncle passed away. This is my mom's brother-law. Uncle's death was a shock (stroke).  Back another trip to the airport to pick up Mom.  his funeral service was delayed until April 15, mainly for people traveling so they could attend both Uncle and Grandma's services in the same trip.   Went to the cemetery on the morning of April 15, then to uncle's service.  The next morning was spent packing husband had arranged to host a guy's night on the 15th, like 3 months ahead of this, so I was packing to take the kids elsewhere.  That afternoon travelled to Grandma's service and back to have a sleep over at my in-laws place.  By this point the kids were completely off their schedule, had been eating at McD's too much, and were tired.  I ended up sleeping with both kids - an interesting experience!

During all this Sarah had been growing taller.  By April 11 she was able to reach and turn the doorknob so she practised that new ability lots.  I moved her up to size 6 shoes. Charly was hovering between size 8 and 9. Sarah was becoming more adventurous with food - finally eating sweet bell peppers, apples, cereal with a little milk, etc. 

I had slowly been weening Sarah off her Laxaday. At one point she was up to 15 mL a day, but finally got her down to 5mL.  Increased her benefibre. Overall things have been going well for her, health-wise.  She still needs to gain weight - seems like any calories she consumes she wears off.  And with summer playground coming this isn't going to change.  

And with all of the above going on, there were still playdates, grocery shopping, playschool, etc to keep us busy.  And I decided to start potty-training Sarah.  Well, she made the decision to be just like her big brother, so we began that progress.  She's slowly getting the concept but it is going to take a while before she learns to control her bowels long enough to get to the toilet and to get comfortable using it.  She's too small to push the button to flush the upstairs toilet - so I don't have to worry about her doing bad things to it,. But the downstairs one ... she's already painted the tub brown! 

What else? Had a wonderful visit with my friend Julie; my Dad stopped in one day and fixed our gate (so now the kids definitely can't get out).  My husband's father and wife were back from their wintering in the US. 

Oh, and in April was Easter.  Easter morning Charly was delighted that the Easter bunny had come. He had a grand time unting for the eggs.  Sarah wasn't sure what was really going on, but enjoyed unwrapping all the chocolates.

Time to wrap this up and go wake Sarah up from her nap (I so love nap time) to pick up Charly from playschool.  Will try to post photos and videos tonight.