Sent the last update out in an email instead of blogging it - what was I thinking?! Anyways, here is the email update:
Well, life got busy and I haven't been able to get decent updates out. I believe I sent out August's picts but no events. There are a great many of wonderful photos to share. This autumn was so much better than the summer was, weather wise :) there were lots of events and photo ops. Enjoy!
Charly went to 2 weeks of summer camp, which he enjoyed. And Sarah and I enjoyed the break from him as we went shopping most mornings. Jeff was in Ottawa for almost a week. I managed to leave the kids behind and go to Edmonton for a night to attend Julie's jewellery party she was hosting. It was so nice to be surrounded by just adults! Third weekend was the Gusek family reunion (Dad's side) - I managed to make it out for a couple hours with the kids, so great to see everyone!
Sarah managed to grow tall enough to climb onto the kitchen chairs by herself. It was a bit of a shock the first time I turned around to find her standing on top of the kitchen table. Sarah's last eyetooth finally broke through. It was so much later than the other 3.
Charly finally weighed in at 30 pounds, when most kids his age are closer to 40. Sarah still under 18 pounds as we continue fighting with her diet and medications. Bought new shoes for Charly - size 9. Last shoes were size 7. Sarah is now in size 4 shoes.
Story: Sarah wandered out of their bedroom one morning, with Charly's shorts on her head and arm stuck up through a hole - she couldn't see where she was going and while struggling to get her arm free, she fell down the stairs to the landing, starts crying and struggles to get u,p but bumps her head on wall getting up because she still couldn't see anything. My tough little girl was okay after 2 minutes of crying, wanting the shorts back!
Sept 4th we left for another trip to BC. We drove to Vernon and stayed with Jeff's dad and step-mom for the weekend, then left the kids there and went on to Harrison Hot Springs. This was our vacation away from the kids, and we spent as much time as possible just reading and doing little, enjoying the silence and the bliss of not being interrupted from what you were doing every 2 minutes. We got to visit with Jeff's great aunt Margaret, which was wonderful. Then back to relieve the grandparents of the kids (and they were relieved to see us!), more time at the lake and then back home.
Mon Sept 14 Sarah finally weighed in at 18.2 pounds, after being 17 pounds for what seemed like forever. The next day Charly started playschool at the Collicutt, at the Exalta Gymnastics club. He plays in the activity centre room for an hour and then spends the next hour in the gym. goes twice a week, and the exercise should be good for him throughout the winter. I drop him off and then rush home to put Sarah down for a nap. Then I have just over an hour to accomplish something off my "to do" list. Wake Sarah up and go get Charly. Most of the time we'd stay at the Collicutt and play at the playground there, enjoying the warm weather while it lasted.
Sept 22 Sarah saw her pediatrician. She measured 30.5" long and was 18.2 lb. He had me double her stool softener, and this has helped things a lot! Also that day Charly started swim lessons (Sea Turtle level). This is the first of the non-parented classes, held at the Collicutt. Sarah and I went into the splash pool during his lesson and then he joined us afterwards. Charly is less hesitant around water now, and Sarah just loves it. I make her where a life jacket and this has saved her many times. Sooner or later she'll have to discover life without it... Charly experienced taking a shower at the pool so he then had his first shower at home without screaming.
Sept 23 - Sarah decided to play with the light switch downstairs, couldn't reach it so she thought she'd be clever and put a (toy) water jug on the stair to step onto it to reach the light switch. But of course the jug moved and she fell down and hit her head. That was her 3rd fall in a week but she just keeps on exploring.
Sept 25 - I took the kids by myself to the Calgary Zoo. It was so busy there that day - being a Saturday and beautiful weather, plus if the kids dressed up as a Princess or Prince they got in free. Sarah wore a darling dress. That day was full of adventures for me, and the kids had a ball there.
Jeff - Journeyed to Ottawa and Vancouver, plus trips to Calgary. Celebrated another birthday Sept 28th.
My mom flew out to Alberta for a 3 week visit, and this has turned into a much longer one. After being here/Rocky for 2 weeks my Grandma took a fall and has been in the hospital since then. For a while things were day to day but it looks like we can start looking further into the future - possibly moving my grandma to another lodge. Add in Thanksgiving celebrations, and family get togethers, this has been a busy month.
Over the summer I had started trading kids with Jenni - I'd take her kids sometimes and she'd take mine. So far it has worked out well. Her kids, Koen and Leighton are the same age as mine so it works out well. Leighton turned 2 in August, Koen turned 4 in October, Charly's 4 in November, Sarah 2 in December - what a lot of birthdays to celebrate! On Sept 18 Jeff and I had to be in Edmonton overnight so my Mom looked after the kids, and then the following week we went to Banff for 2 days/1night, and Jenni was so good at looking after both kids (Auntie Sherry took Sarah for that night while Charly stayed at Jenni's) - not sure what I'd do without Jenni and all my relatives!
Jeff's mom and step-dad were away to Europe for 3 weeks, so I was picking up their mail and such. Jeff's dad and step-mom were here for a few weeks so we tried to see them lots. they've now headed to the US for the winter. Charly finished his swim lessons, passing Sea Turtle. I had planned to put him into skating lessons next, but no longer feel that he's ready for it. So I'll try to get him into more swim lessons to keep his confidence up. Next is "Salamander" and he'll likely have to do it a couple times. One of the things they want him to do is to jump into water, well Charly is nervous jumping on land ... so we have some work ahead of us :) I want to keep him swimming once a week for him to get used to it, plus it is great exercise!
Sarah is now into size 18 month clothes. And at 22 months old, she FINALLY started to sleep through the night without waking for a bottle. So nice!! Her language skills are developing well, and her climbing skills are awesome. She isn't learning the meaning of "no" as quickly as Charly did - I keep finding Kleenex tissues everywhere! Charly is a little sponge, soaking up knowledge everywhere. He recently used the word "camouflage" - he was hiding under a blanket and didn't want Sarah to take the blanket away because then he wouldn't be "camouflagued" any more - took us completely by surprise. I assume he learned the word at playschool since their theme the past week was camping.
And October ended with Halloween festivities. He missed the Halloween party at playschool, but then attended 2 other Halloween parties, one as a Fireman and the other as a pirate since the fireman coat was too uncomfortable. On Oct 31 he got quite nervous about going trick or treating but after visiting one house he decided it was all good. Papa Doug and I took the kids out for maybe 45 minutes and they got way too much candy :) Sarah followed Charly's example and quickly knew the ropes of knocking on doors and holding out her container for the treats. She was soo happy when she received her first lollipop! At one house she decided the lady was taking too long so Sarah reached into the candy bowl to help herself! Both kids were very sad when I called an end to trick or treating, but were happy to gobble down a bunch of Smarties. Sarah cried all the way home because she was so tired but didn't want the fun to end. Charly went to bed with a tummy ache from eating so much candy. Both want to go trick or treating again right away!