Sunday, May 2, 2010

April 2010 update

OK, so April is over and now I want to do a summary - but there's been so many little events.

Let's see...Charly had a fever for 4 days and a cough, got him on antibiotics. A couple days later Sarah got the fever and a runny noise. Fever lasted 5 days. Took both kids into the doc, new drugs for Charly's chest and the same medication for Sarah's ear infection. Got them April 12. Yesterday I took Carly back in because his cough had gone away but is now back again, more antibiotics for him. Sarah has been teething for the last month - she got 2 molars on her right and now is working on her left molars, very slowly. Add a runny nose and she's been moody lately.

On with better news: When Sarah got her fever she stopped eating any solids, wanted formula only. Now she's back eating solids, and doing well at it. I am going to use up the last of the pureed food I have as I continue to get used to feeding her "real" food. This week she's had noodles, chili, apple sauces, toast, tuna sandwich, and her favorite - pork soulvaki. She turned her nose up at the sausages and meatballs. Still continues to refuse baby cereal, even if mixed into apple sauce. Her vocabulary is just starting. She can now say up, bottle, mama, dada, papa, nana, and tries to say blanket. She has become obsessed with her blankets - if she sees one (she has 4) then she must have it in her hands, dragging one everywhere. She can sign "more", "all done", and "bottle".

Charly has had more learning break-throughs. He can now sound words out and is just like a sponge trying to soak up everything around him. He is constantly asking me to spell words, help him read, etc. He has some words down by sight now, like hat, cat, dog, stop, Charly, bug, and more that he recognizes as he sounds them out, like frog, black and the other colours. Very cool! And this week he is come to understand the number/concept of Zero, and is grasping the concepts of addition and subtraction. After taking all winter off learning, he is suddenly extremely thirsty for the written word. And the computer - he's becoming very good at the computer games, learning navigation skills, meaning of arrows, recognizing the word "game" and "paly again" :) Jeff spent the past week in Dallas, Texas, while we stayed here through a snow blizzard. We got a couple inches of snow here but Calgary got buried under the white stuff. Our snow melted within 12 hours of it stopping, Calgary still had snow a few days later. We were able to spend some time with our families. So nice to see everyone!
