August was another action-packed month. We went lots of places and visited with lots of people. A good month! I'm not sure I'll go into details about everything - I'd be typing all day LOL! Charly finished off summer school and I did what I could to take the kids to places throughout Central Alberta.
I took the kids to Calaway Park. I had never been there before so didn't know what to really expect. We had a blast! Trains, slides, rides, a ballpit, food - it was hard to leave such a fun place. But by 5pm a storm was heading our way, so we piled back into the van and headed north. Just as we hit Stony Trail the storm hit and we had another super exciting ride!
Wild summer weather proves fatal Calgary
Reunion - Gusek family - yay for family, both new and old :D
Reunion - 20th high school at Cow Lake - so interesting to see what has happened to schoolmates over the years. Kids had a blast playing with the other kids. Sarah was in her glory, pulling people randomly onto the dance floor to dance with her. Spent a couple hours at Cow Lake beach with Cathleen - so good to catch up with her and everyone else I ran into.
Leighton's birthday - The kids' friend Leighton turned 3 years old. More fun for the kids.
Calgary Zoo - dinosaur park was amazing
Stayed overnight at Diamonds in Calgary after visitng the Calgary Zoo. I am sure for the kids that the visit was more exciting than the zoo.
The next day we headed home, but stopped at the Bowden SunMaze. Sarah was entranced by the cat and animals. Charly loved navigating us through the sunflower and corn mazes.
Aspen Beach - took the kids to the beach, and they completely wore themselves out playing on the playground (which is half in the water and half on the sand). I had the chance to step back and observe the kids. Sarah is still as adventurous as always, but over the summer she has gotten a bit taller and stronger. Charly's confidence on playground equipment has grown with leaps and bounds, and he manages to find someone to play with at each playground we go to.
Food diet - I finally got around to giving Sarah her very first ice cream cone - (soy milk) which she of course loved. Her bowels suddenly started acting up toward the end of August so I started being very controlling over her food - restricted chocolate, raisins, and anything else that I thought might have caused her setback. And I started investigating how to eliminate wheat (not all gluten, so she can still have corn, oats, etc) from her diet. Tried a few recipes with varying degrees of success.
Blackfalds splash park - another sunny day, more play and fun.
Family tree - slowly chipping away at my photo albums. website has been helpful in growing the family tree, and providing lots of much-needed documentation to my files. I am alternating between scanning and uploading phots with searching for new relatives - I am so addicted to genealogy!
Flickr photos Aug 2011
Bowden SunMaze, Sarah counting
Kids playing at Koen's
Sarah on tricycle