February started full of excitement and it didn't stop for the rest of the month - got to love life with two young kids :)
Feb 1 - I took Sarah for allergy (skin) testing in Edmonton. Reconfirmed that she reacts to milk (cow and goat), and to cats, and to eggs. The rest of us react to cats also so that wasn't a surprise, but eggs was. I have had a feeling that there was something that wasn't agreeing with her but had no idea what ... and now I know.
Clarification on these results - this is a milk allergy, not a lactose intolerance. She reacts to the milk's protein, not to the lactose. At least 80% of people who are allergic to cow's milk also react to goats milk. She has shown tolerance to trace amounts in foods, but we are avoiding it has much as possible. Same with eggs. I read a study that suggests if the egg is cooked/baked at high temperatures for a long time then allergic people react much less to it. And if you put one egg in a cake batter, the amount she'll be eating is small enough (and caked long enough) for her to handle. But no scrambled eggs or omelets for for breakfast for her! In baking, eggs can often be replaced by oil, apple sauce, etc so that's what I'm doing when I can.
Since we've know about the milk allergy for a while, she's been on formula until she was two years old (as ped physician recommended). Since then we've slowly started replacing the formula she gets with oat milk (yes the plant). She's doing well on it and I am just using up the last can of formula - yay, no more mixing! I chose oat milk because it has the most calories per ounce over rice and hemp milk, and is fully fortified with vitamins; I'm allergic to almonds so didn't want to keep almond milk in the house, and soy milk research hasn't been conclusive enough for us yet. So oat milk it is! It can be purchased as Safeway.
Swim lessons continued for both kids. this time they were at the Dawe pool, which I think is a better pool for kids their age. Unfortunately it is across the city and isn't salt-water. Both kids enjoy the lessons there. Charly is getting his confidence up in the water and will now jump into the water (a big leap for him, pardon the pun).
Charly has been taking soccer on Saturday mornings, half hour of practice/drills and then a game with one of the other 3 teams. Once Charly started becoming familiar with the place he started to have more fun.
So with playschool, swim lessons, soccer, grocery shopping, Valentine's Day, getting the mail for the grandparents who flew south for a while, playdates, and shoveling snow, the month passed quickly. The weather kept roller coasting on us - changes of 20C weather overnight, both up and down. One day the kids are out helping me chip ice/snow off the driveway, the next they'd have to be so bundled up to protect them from the coldness. Lots of wind, of course, driving the warm air in and then out again.
All this month Jeff has had a nasty cough, and toward the end of the month Charly got it (or something similar) which hasn't been fun for any of us. Often if Charly starts coughing after he drank/eat something, he'd be coughing so much that his stomach would try to empty itself. Ick.
After lots of consideration and discussion, and a tour of the school, we've decided that Charly will go into French-immersion kindergarten in the fall. We have little doubt that he'll be able to handle it and it won't be long before he'll know way more than us! Unfortunately Spanish is not offered in our city so we couldn't choose it.
Photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/snowite73/200102##
Kids with chalk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO6JHOQPAo4
Snowballs at Mommy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrmoSNs0k5I
Jello time on Valentine's Day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJkbse2G8pU
Sarah wants bath http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_EdrRRMFwc
2 year olds sharing (rare moments!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1zzaYGkzVc
Kids playing outside wit shovels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeJIMoIU-zc