First week of July - Charly had a gymnastics course, one hour each morning, at the Collicutt (sports facility near our house). I was nervous on how he'd do, being on his own and it being a physical activity. First day Charly stood around with a scowl on his face the entire time, mainly watching. But each class got better and by the end of the week he was just bouncing with excitement at the thought of the course.
Second week of July - spent with Jeff's father and step-mother by Lake Okanagan. Jeff and Charly drove out in the van Saturday, while Sarah and I stayed behind. Monday morning Sarah and I drove to Calgary for Sarah's check-up (no bananas, white rice, cheese for her). We spent the afternoon driving through a thunderstorm and shopping. Then we flew out to Kelowna and joined the guys for a lovely week by the lake. Thurs morning Jeff and Charly went to a science day camp while Sarah and I went with John and Margaret to the farmer's market - such a variety of food! We all drove back Sunday, stopped on Calgary to pick up the CRV that I'd left at the Diamonds house.
Third week - Red Deer parade on Wed. Borrowed a friend's harness for Sarah and liked it so much the next day I bought one - so great for keeping track of my princess. Thurs - shopping, hair cuts for the kids and me - my hair keeps getting a little bit shorter each time, and each haircut makes charly look older and taller. Friday's excitement was the Westerner Expedition (fair). We went after Sarah's nap, met up with Jenni and her 2 boys, and left well after the kids' bedtime. Charly had so much fun and was so sad when we finally left. Sat entered a new phase - she started saying "no" with definite meaning. Antoerh step toward the terrible twos ;)
Fourth week - Charly went to his "Summer Fun" course, weekdays from 10-11:30. It is a weekly course throughout the summer so I have him registered for a couple weeks. Monday Sarah went down 3 steps without hanging on to anything for support. While Charly was in his course Sarah and I went shopping most days. Wed Sarah's top right eye tooth came through, and she's still working on the last eyetooth. Sat we all went to Calgary and had a great visit with the Diamonds.
Calgary storm
Lake Okanagan - Sarah in lake, Charly on swing
Charly on swing
Bobs and Lolo show
Sarah blowing kisses
kids swinging on swings
kids in puddle
kids on slide
Sarah and food on floor